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Matthew 25:35 - 40
“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me… truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.” NRSV
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{ Mission }
St. Philip supports many area organizations and agencies, with talents, volunteer service hours, funding and supplies. In addition to designated local recipients and projects, the annual Mission budget supports Presbytery, Synod and General Assembly projects and programs that directly provide funding to Presbyterian seminaries and schools, church camps and retreat centers, global relief of hunger, shelter and emergency needs.   The Mission Committee is charged to set mission objectives and policies for St. Philip in local, national and international spheres; to identify the pressing social justice issues of the world in which we live and find ways for the St. Philip community to respond to them; and to define, supervise and set benevolence goals to these ends at all levels.
    [ Mission Events ]
SEARCH Mission Volunteer Opportunity

SEARCH Scattered Site Lunch and Activity

Join the mission committee on Friday, November 15 to host a meal and activity for the homeless clients of SEARCH. 5 volunteers will be needed from 10:45 AM to 12 PM to serve food and lead a bingo game or singalong activity. The lunch will be held at SEARCH Homeless Services office, 2015 Congress St., Houston, TX 77002. Sign up in the Gathering area on Sundays or email mission@saintphilip.net if you can help. Contact Mary McGuire for more information.

Read about SEARCH Homeless Services below.
website: searchhomeless.org

St. Philip's October Communion Offering
Special Offering: Peace & Global Witness

The Peace and Global Witness Offering will be received in worship on Sunday, October 6 (World Communion Sunday), and throughout October through MyStPhilip or by sending a check to the church office, with “Communion Offering" in the memo line. Confronting hopelessness and thwarting division, this denominational offering encourages the church to cast off anxiety, fear, discord, and division so that we can embrace God’s mission of reconciliation to those around us and around the world. The Offering empowers congregations and individuals to become peacemakers themselves, encouraging and equipping congregations to find and address the anxiety and discord prevalent throughout our broken world.

Mid-councils retain 25% of offering receipts for regional ministries. Another 50% supports the Presbyterian Mission Agency’s global peace and justice initiatives.

Congregations are encouraged to use up to 25% of the offering for local peacemaking efforts. St. Philip will be donating its 25% of the Offering to Texas Impact, which equips faith leaders and their congregations with the information, opportunities, and outreach tools to educate their communities and engage with lawmakers on pressing public policy issues. Texas Impact helps people live out their faith in the public square, moving the faith community from charity to justice.

This election year, St. Philip is participating in Texas Impact’s Texas Faith Votes campaign and its BallotReady initiative, a nonpartisan, data-driven tool that helps voters register, make a plan to vote, and look up their elected representatives. Look for the BallotReady QR code unique to St. Philip in our publications, online, and around campus! Texas Impact is a regular recipient of support from St. Philip’s Peacemaking and Social Justice Committee budget.

This offering will be collected in worship on Sunday, September 1, 2024.  You may also make a secure contribution through MyStPhilip or by sending a check to the church office, with “Communion Offering" in the memo line.

Read more about this special offering below.
website: specialofferings.pcusa.org/offering/peace-global-witness

      Handmade Caps
for the Seafarers of the Houston Ship Channel
How St. Philip supports the Houston International Seafarer's Ministries: Carrying out a ministry of presence, outreach, witness, worship, service, and advocacy to, with, and for seafarers and their families from around the world. Members of St. Philip support the Seafarer's Ministry via periodic group visits to the Seafarer's Center, participation in the annual Christmas caroling cruise on the Houston ship channel, and preparation of Christmas gift boxes for seafarers. website: houstonseafarers.com
    available pattern
view or download

  for more info >
contact Jane Cooper




If you're a group interested in setting up a packing session
or a volunteer wanting to help, join us by sending an email.
Next Food Packing Sessions for Kids Against Hunger
> Learn more about Kids Against Hunger
  Unless otherwise noted on the above schedule, food packing sessions are held at St. Philip Presbyterian Church
(accessible through the church office entrance)
4807 San Felipe Street, Houston, TX 77056
Ph. (713) 622-4807
Jingle Bell Express Wish List
  The St. Philip Stitchers | Quilters
This remarkable organization lovingly creates youth quilts
for House of Tiny Treasures.  The House of Tiny Treasure is Houston’s first nationally accredited early childhood development center dedicated to serving homeless children and families. Its mission is to provide comprehensive early care, education  and therapeutic services to build stable, functional lives.

Location: St. Philip Arts & Crafts Studio in the older building  
(next to the Education Wing, Room 9).
more info about > The House of Tiny Treasures
For more details and info: please call (713) 622-4807

Foshee Family
House of Tiny Treasures

Members of the St. Philip Stitchers
visited the newly opened, second campus of House of Tiny Treasures, called Foshee Family House of Tiny Treasures.

We'll collect items year round. We visit either campus 1-2 times a year. Just let
me know if you have adonation to bring
on any Sunday.

email: Hope Wilmarth

    > Read more about the visit  
    Come and help in our kitchen: working directly with Chef Michael, preparing fresh and nutritious meals
for our participants as part of our Memory Preservation Nutrition program.

Bible Study Leaders: Lead our participants in a small group Bible study. We can provide a basic curriculum guide to follow; minimal preparation is required.

Memory Café: Open from 10am to 12pm. Amazing Place and the Alzheimer's Association are proud to host
The Memory Café, which serves as an important, stigma free, social contact point for persons with memory issues and their caregivers. For more info contact: Emile Unverzagt: eunverzagt@amazingplacehouston.org
      Brain Health Matters III
The Unexpected Lessons of Dementia

For more information or to schedule this presentation for your group, please contact Susan Giles, Amazing Place Community and Church Liaison: sgiles@amazingplacehouston.org or 713 552 0420.
    Alzheimers Disease
Facts and Figures

source: Alzheimer's Association
    order online:
Amazing Place
$25 including tax
  Stories from an Amazing Place features ten inspiring stories of Amazing Place participants and families that demonstrate that those with dementia still have much to contribute and much to teach all of us.  
    see details for all listings: www.amazingplacehouston.org/volunteer.html.
more info | contact:
Susie Howard - Volunteer Coordinator email: showard@amazingplacehouston.org ph. 713-552-0420.
    Amazing Place 3735 Drexel, Houston, Texas 77027    
  Martha's Way Residential Housekeeping
Contact Ana Tappan: 713-961-3993 ext. 210

Contact the Volunteer Coordinator - Kate Gallup: 713-961-3993
email: kgallup@ccschouston.org


Contact the JobNet Manager - Mickey Hammond: 713-626-8320
email: jobnet@ccschouston.org

CCSC website
  Mission Partners  
      Amazing Place  

The mission of Amazing Place is to provide fellowship, memory care and wellness for adults with mild to moderate memory
loss and support to their families and the community. Volunteers are an important part of the day-to-day operations at Amazing Place. The staff welcomes the time, talents and skills that volunteers provide to enhance the daily activities program and operations of the center. Opportunities include a variety of different options, including providing group or individualized entertainment, assisting or leading daily activities, interacting with small groups of participants, or working with the administrative team on office and clerical work.

Open from 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, Amazing Place is Houston's only day program of its type serving
our community by providing invigorating programs for participants.
website: amazingplacehouston.org

      Austin College  

Austin College is a private, residential, co-educational college dedicated to educating undergraduate students in the liberal arts and sciences while also offering select pre-professional programs and a graduate teacher education program... An Austin College education emphasizes academic excellence, intellectual and personal integrity and participation in community life. Founded in 1849 by a Princeton educated Presbyterian missionary, Austin College enjoys a place in early Texas history and remains a recognized leader in higher education for innovative programs, a strong faculty and dedicated students. website: austincollege.edu

      Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary  

For the glory of God and to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ, Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary is a
seminary in the Presbyterian Reformed tradition whose mission is to educate and equip individuals for the ordained Christian ministry and other forms of Christian service and leadership; to employ its resources in the service of the church; to promote and engage in critical theological thought and research; and to be a winsome and exemplary community of God’s people. St. Philip has supported Austin Seminary for over 50 years, understanding that the future of our denomination is directly correlated with APTS. John Wurster, our current senior pastor and many of our former pastors and associate pastors attended APTS.
website: austinseminary.edu

      Southeast Asia | Dr. Cynthia Morgan & Dr. Leslie Morgan  

Since 1989 Les and Cindy Morgan have been serving as PC (USA)’s only mission co-workers in one of the world’s most economically impoverished and most densely populated countries, Southeast Asia. They have served in hospitals, they run village clinics, and they have worked on controlling tuberculosis and leprosy. They feel called to practice the ministry of compassion among the sick and to nurture this as a ministry of the body of Christ. St. Philip supports their ministry in its annual Mission Budget. Individuals are encouraged to pray for Leslie and Cindy Morgan and their work.

Presbyterian Church (USA)
      The Beacon    

The Beacon is a non-profit organization that serves the Houston homeless community through daily services, civil legal aid, counseling and mentoring and access to housing. The mission, opened in 2007, is to provide essential and next-step services to restore hope and help end homelessness in Houston. The organization meets the daily needs of hundreds of homeless men and women while also empowering them with housing case management, appropriate program referrals, and civil legal aid. Volunteers are a key component; 2,176 volunteers contributed 28,995 hours in the past year. website: beaconhomeless.org

      Bethesda Clinic in Xocenpich, Mexico  

Benefactora Mission Clinica Bethesda provides 24/7 medical services and spiritual assistance to people who are in low economic situations in Xocempich & Merida, Yucatan. The Sutherland Nurses Aid school, located on the clinic grounds, provides medical training for young women in the area. The founder, Dr. Jose Estrella, received his education through the generosity of Presbyterian missionaries in the Yucatan. That generosity has been extended to many of his Mayan patients & students through the years. Dr. Estrella went home to be with our Lord in August of 2017, leaving his sons, Dr. Federico Estrella & Rev. Pablo Estrella to continue his work. Mission Partners with St. Philip since 2001, the clinic & school are also partners with Living Waters and Project Cure. St. Philippians have an open invitation to travel to Merida to visit the clinic.

      Bridges to Life  

Bridges to Life has programs in prisons throughout the state of Texas. BTL brings healing to victims of crime, reduces recidivism among offender graduates of the program, and helps make our community a safer place. website: bridgestolife.org

      Centro Educativo Moises Saenz    

Centro Educativo Moises Saenz is an educational institution that aims to make an impact in society through the implementation of practices based on the foundational principles of faith and piety, sharing the Church’s culture with the core of the community through the families, cultivating virtue in students and nurturing their love for wisdom and faithful service of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Facebook page: facebook.com/CEMoisesSaenz

      Christian Community Service Center (CCSC)    

The mission of the Christian Community Service Center (CCSC) is to serve the poor, hungry, disabled, and
otherwise needy while respecting their religious, ethnic or cultural differences. CCSC was created out of faith and founded in the belief that we are called to help all God’s children heart to heart and hand to hand.CCSC is a coalition of 41 Houston churches that began in 1980. Central Presbyterian Church was a founding member in 1980. For many years the community garden was at Central.
website: ccschouston.org

      Faith in Practice    

Faith In Practice is a non-profit, ecumenical Christian organization that seeks to improve the physical, spiritual, and economic conditions of the poor in Guatemala through short-term surgical, medical, and dental mission trips and health-related educational programs. website: faithinpractice.org

      Have Shears Will Travel (HSWT)    

Have Shears Will Travel is a non-profit hair care ministry organized to serve the local community with special needs that restrict their ability to obtain these services due to physical impairment, lack of transportation or financial means. HSWT has served nearly 31,000 people through partnerships with 47 non-profit organizations serving the homeless, veterans, hospice/rehabilitation patients, and special needs adults in the Greater Houston area. HSWT also accepts requests from churches for those needing services at their home or hospital/nursing home. On “off” days, HSWT serves homeless encampments. website: haveshearswilltravel.org

      Hope & Healing Center & Institute    

Founded in 2012, HHCI is a comprehensive mental health resource serving the Houston community. Their mission is to build and restore lives to health and wholeness through education, training, clinical services, and research that strengthen the physical, mental, spiritual, and relational health of families and individuals across the full cycle of life. website: hopeandhealingcenter.org

      Houston Hope of the Nations    

Houston Hope for the Nations was established in 2009 by Rev. Eid Abdelmassih to help immigrants and refugees from the Middle East. The mission of the center is to help the Middle Eastern community to adjust to life in Houston, helping them to grow in relationship with God, providing physical help, counseling, job search, ESL and Bible study. Presently, Eid reaches out to his Arabic Speaking neighbors and immigrants through organizing ESL courses, hosting a worship service and various outreach events. website: hifho.wordpress.com

      Interfaith Ministries for Greater Houston    

Interfaith Ministries for Greater Houston brings people of diverse faith traditions together for dialogue, collaboration, and service, as a demonstration of our shared beliefs. Programs include Meals on Wheels/AniMeals (serving a nutritious meal each weekday to homebound seniors, and providing donated pet food each month to seniors with pets), Refugee Services, and Interfaith Relations & Community Partnerships. Visit www.imgh.org for more information and to volunteer.

      International Seafarer's Ministries    

Recognizing that all humans are a gift of God, the mission of the chaplains and Committee for Ministry to the Port of Houston is to carry out a ministry of presence, outreach, witness, worship, service, and advocacy to, with, and for seafarers and their families from around the world. The International Seafarers Ministry supports Presbyterian chaplains who work alongside chaplains of other denominations to minister to the social and spiritual needs of seafarers on merchant ships calling on the Port of Houston. Chaplains endeavor to visit every ship that visits the port, as many seafarers are restricted to their ship due to security regulations.

      Kids Against Hunger    

Kids Against Hunger is St. Philip's signature mission project. The organization’s approach to achieving its goal – the eradication of world hunger – includes the packaging of a highly nutritious, vitamin-fortified soy-rice casserole by volunteers at numerous locations within the USA and Canada. Our location has packed over 1.2 million meals and distributes them locallly.

      Kids’ Meals, Inc    

Kids' Meals’ mission is to end childhood hunger in Houston by delivering free, healthy meals, year-round to the doorsteps of Houston’s hungriest preschool-aged children and through collaboration provide their families with resources to help end the cycle of poverty. From its Houston Heights-area kitchen, Kids’ Meals is the nation’s only home delivery meal program targeting preschool-aged children. Houston ranks third in the nation among major cities for children living with food insecurity. Visit www.kidsmealsinc.org for volunteer opportunities.

      Liberty High School    

Liberty High School is an alternative high school on the campus of Sharpstown International School in Sharpstown, Houston, Texas. A part of the Houston Independent School District, it is a school catering to recent immigrants. Liberty has intensive English instruction, which serves as the school's main focus. website: houstonisd.org

      Living Waters for the World    

Living Waters for the World is a Christian ministry that provides sustainable clean water, fostering long-term, mutually beneficial, relationships between volunteers and communities in need. St. Philip joins ChristChurch Bellaire and St. John’s Presbyterian Churches to install a purifying water system in the Yucatan in November 2013. LWW trains mission team leaders in partnership development, project administration and system sustainability evaluation and assurance; health, hygiene and spiritual education and LWW clean water system installation, operation and maintenance.

      Lord of the Streets Episcopal Church    

Since 1990, Lord of the Streets has welcomed and addressed the holistic needs of those who are homeless in Houston’s downtown and Mid-town. Programming provides basic supportive services: a welcoming day shelter, bottled water, emergency clothing and hygiene items, food, counseling, obtaining a valid ID and food stamps. They refer people to partner agencies for substance abuse recovery programs, job readiness training, and housing/shelter. A free vision and medical clinic are provided as well as Sunday morning worship and breakfast.
website: lordofthestreets.org | see how we empower the community > view video

      Loving Houston    

Loving Houston exists to advance community transformation by helping churches serve local schools. Our vision is to see every school in the Greater Houston area with a committed, caring church partner showing the love of Jesus in a tangible way. website: lovinghouston.net

      Medical Benevolence Foundation (MBF)    

Since 1963, the Medical Benevolence Foundation (MBF) has worked to provide hope and healing to those most in need. Working with our international church partners, MBF supports healing ministries in more than 100 hospitals and clinics through the world. MBF seeks to provide medical services to the poorest of the poor in the name of Jesus. MBF has been the officially validated medical mission support organization for the Presbyterian Church (USA) for over 45 years. MBF’s work includes funding, medical supplies, community development and awareness. website: mbfoundation.org

      Mission of Yahweh (MOY)   Mission of Yahweh  

Mission of Yahweh is a faith-based shelter that empowers, enriches and restores the lives of homeless women and children and provides outreach services to low-income communities. MOY serves the Houston area as the only emergency/transitional shelter for homeless women/children offering a unique continuum of services for up to two years. To further eliminate barriers to self-sufficiency, MOY provides: a Workforce Integration Now (WIN) Program enabling resident women to complete college certificate programs free of charge; Dental Program; Transportation Program; Kingdom Expansion Program to encourage spiritual development; a Senior Program; and an After Care Program. Onsite children's programming, including a licensed childcare facility, "Kingdom Kids" assists children with educational, social and emotional development, tutoring, an after-school program provides activities to promote physical fitness, creativity, leadership, and teambuilding skills and a summer educational/recreational program. website: missionofyahweh.org


The mission of the Assembly is to foster growth in God through Jesus Christ by sharing its unique living, learning Christian environment. Since 1949, Presbyterian Mo-Ranch Assembly has been a camp and conference center affiliated with the Synod of the Sun of the PC(USA). We occupy approximately 500 acres in a beautiful setting on the North Fork of the Guadalupe River in the Scenic Texas Hill Country. Since 1976, many from St. Philip attend a Mo-Ranch retreat during the second weekend in June. The annual Mo-Ranch Shower began 13 years ago. It is St. Philip’s way of showing our appreciation for the mission and the work they do there.
website: moranch.com

      Montreat Conference Center    

Encountering God through relationships, renewal, recreation, and rest. Nestled in the mountains of Western North Carolina, Montreat is a private, non-profit conference center with roots in the PC(USA). Montreat Conference Center is a conference center, a retreat center, a place of worship, a wilderness preserve, and so much more. For over 100 years, Montreat has been a place set apart for those who journey here seeking a closer relationship with their Creator. website: montreat.org


Newspring is a Christ-centered ministry focused on economic development in Spring Branch.  Founded in 2006, Newspring focuses on children, youth and young adults, helping them to see themselves as entrepreneurs of their future, and giving them the tools and encouragement to rise out of poverty.  We operate a multi-faceted visual arts program, aiming our students toward careers in the visual arts, including graphic design, photography, interior design, architecture and more.  College scholarships are awarded to those who otherwise have no hope of college, and Newspring sells student artwork, with 100% of the proceeds going to the at-risk students we serve.  In addition, Newspring works with local small business owners/entrepreneurs, mentoring their businesses, fostering growth and job creation. website: newspringcenter.org

      Plant It Forward    

Plant it Forward Farms: Urban farms for Houston, small businesses for refugees. Plant it Forward provides Houston with fresh, local produce by helping refugees grow their own urban farm businesses. Each farmer is trained to use organic methods and sells their produce through farmers markets, farm stands, restaurants, and a farm share (CSA) program. In 2018, St. Philip Presbyterian Church sponsored two refugee trainees as they progressed through an 8-month urban farming training program. More info and volunteer opportunities at the website. website: plant-it-forward.org

      Presbyterian Children’s Homes & Services    

Presbyterian Children’s Homes & Services provides a variety of Christ-centered services to children in need and their families. These services are provided through trained staff and volunteers whose standards meet the high expectations of PCHAS. Through these programs, the agency is able to provide services to more than 4,500 children each year. PCHAS is a recognized charity in the annual Houston Marathon and also participates in the St. Philip Alternative Christmas Market. In addition to our annual financial contribution to this agency, in 2013. website: pchas.org

      Presbytery of New Covenant    

Presbytery of New Covenant is made up of 106 local congregations, ten new church developments, spread across 23,000 square miles in southeast Texas, including Houston, It is located at 4803 San Felipe Street Houston, TX 77056. The mission of the presbytery includes new church development, care for congregations in transition or crisis, supervision and nurture for those preparing for ordained ministry, leadership development events, and youth activities. The shared ministry of the presbytery is funded by gifts from the member churches. St. Philip is among the top five congregations in terms of presbytery support. Member churches connect with the work of Presbytery through their gifts of time, talent and treasure. Members of St. Philip have served and are serving on Presbytery committees. website: pbyofnewcovenant.org

      Presbyterian Pan American School    

Presbyterian Pan American School (PPAS) is a Christian, international, college-preparatory, boarding school in Kingsville, Texas, fully accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. Established in 1911, PPAS motivates and equips young people for lives of Christian leadership in the global community. Students engage in a rigorous academic curriculum, develop spiritually in the Presbyterian/Reformed theological tradition, and gain senses of independence and personal responsibility through a disciplined daily schedule and communal work.

      Project C.U.R.E.    

Project C.U.R.E. (Commission on Urgent Relief and Equipment) identifies, solicits, collects, sorts and distributes medical supplies and services according to the imperative needs of the world. Project C.U.R.E. is the largest provider of donated medical supplies and equipment to developing countries around the world.
website: projectcure.org

      Schreiner University    

At Schreiner University, students enter with hope and leave with achievement. We are a diverse, fiercely independent university. We are affiliated by choice and covenant with the Presbyterian Church (USA) with a main campus in the Texas Hill Country and first year campuses throughout the state. Schreiner University is a place of opportunity. We offer undergraduate and graduate students a personalized, integrated, and holistic educational experience that prepares them for meaningful work and purposeful lives in a changing global society. Students study in-depth in a specific area of interest while acquiring broad skills and habits of mind to navigate a complex, diverse, and unscripted future.
website: schreiner.edu

      SEARCH Homeless Services    

SEARCH pursues a mission of providing hope, creating opportunity, and transforming lives of men, women, and children who are trying to break free from the cycle of poverty and homelessness. We bring this mission to life every day by helping our clients obtain permanent housing, increase their income, improve their health, develop their children, and ultimately achieve independence. SEARCH maintains a vision of a Houston without homelessness. website: searchhomeless.org

      United Campus Ministries of Greater Houston (UCMGH)  

The mission of United Campus Ministry of Greater Houston is to demonstrate the love of God as expressed through Jesus Christ through programs initiated within the local college and university communities which equip,inform and serve. UCMGH was established in 1968 as an ecumenical partnership between the Presbyterian Church (USA), The Disciples of Christ (Christian Church), and the United Church of Christ. We have served the UT School of Medicine, HCC locations, Texas Southern University and Rice University. website: ucmhouston.com

      The Universidad Yucateca de Estudios Estratégicos   The Universidad Yucateca de Estudios Estratégicos Logo  

The Universidad Yucateca de Estudios Estratégicos trains professional leaders with high values and spiritual principles for a transcendent and productive life; trained in research, entrepreneurship and knowledge to serve society with commitment and self-sacrifice. St. Philip Presbyterian Church supports scholarships for Theology students and Ministers of Worship in order to spread the message of Christ and help in the transformation and development of the Mexican Society. website: uny-universidad-yucateca-de-estudios-estrategicos.negocio.site

      The Women's Home  

The mission of The Women’s Home is to help women in crisis regain their self esteem and dignity, empowering them to return to society as productive, self sufficient individuals. Personal hygiene items, jewelry, scarves, Kleenex, pens and note paper, stamps and other items are collected and put into 50 decorative photo boxes and delivered to The Women’s Home each Good Friday by St. Philip volunteers. The Women’s Home is included in the annual St. Philip Mission Budget. website: thewomenshome.org

      SPECIAL OFFERINGS | Christmas Joy Offering  

For more than 70 years, Presbyterians have given generously at Christmas to support the unmet needs of families who have devoted their lives to the mission of the PC(USA). Today this Offering is shared equally by the Assistance Program of the Board of Pensions, which provides critical assistance to Presbyterian church workers and their families, and Presbyterian-affiliated racial ethnic schools and colleges, which enable students to develop their gifts and find their calling. website: specialofferings.pcusa.org/christmasjoy

Presbyterian Church (USA)
      SPECIAL OFFERINGS | One Great Hour of Sharing  

Since 1949 Presbyterians have joined with millions of other Christians through One Great Hour of Sharing to share God’s love with our neighbors-in-need around the world. Over the past few years, OGHS have enabled the Hunger Program, Disaster Assistance and Self-Development of People share the joy experienced in Christ. These gifts have helped rebuild a fishing community left in tatters after Hurricane Katrina, recently has been in Sandy, NY, with needed help and provided food and shelter to those affected by the devastating earthquake in Haiti. Our gifts support ministries
of disaster response, refugee assistance and resettlement, and community development that help people find safe
refuge, start new lives, and work together to strengthen their families and communities.

website: specialofferings.pcusa.org/oghs

Presbyterian Church (USA)
      SPECIAL OFFERINGS | Pentecost Offering  

Giving to the Pentecost Offering makes it possible for the church to encourage, develop, and support its young people, and address the needs of at-risk children. A large portion of this offering can be retained by individual congregations wanting to make an impact in the lives of young people within their own community. Your gifts to the Pentecost Offering help support: Children at Risk, Young Adult Volunteers, Ministries for Youth, Child Advocacy. St. Philip receives this offering on Pentecost Sunday. website: specialofferings.pcusa.org/pentecost

Presbyterian Church (USA)
      SPECIAL OFFERINGS | Peacemaking    

One heart at a time, we can change cultures of violence into communities of peace with PCUSA's Peacemaking Offering. The General Assembly’s adoption of Peacemaking: The Believers’ Calling, which called for an emphasis on peacemaking, paved the way for this offering, which seeks to promote the Peace of Christ across the PC(USA). Individual congregations are encouraged to utilize a large portion of this offering to sustain their local peacemaking ministries. website: specialofferings.pcusa.org/peace-global

Presbyterian Church (USA)

St. Philip is a member of the Presbyterian Church - USA
4807 San Felipe Street, Houston, TX 77056 - Ph. (713) 622-4807